Adam David Carter
A writer and gamer from Birmingham (Originaly from sunny Newcastle-Under-Lyme).
Twitter @AdamDavidCarter
PS4: pr0z4cN4ti0n
Plays on PS4, XBOX One and Steam(Mac)
Favourite Genre
4X and RPGs (can't decide which)
Favourite Game (currently)
Guilty Pleasure.
Sorry I do not understand the concept.
Favourite Animal
Cats (Obviously)
Stephanie Louise Carter
Semi professional doodler and professional crisp eater
Steam Cpt Corbeau
PSN lost_juice
Insta roxi_corpse
Platform being played on
Play on steam (Mac), PS4
Favourite genre
Time management
Favourite game
Tropico 4/5
Guilty pleasure
Twitch streams
Favourite Animal
Octopus/shark or catÂ

Elliot Raye Boffy-Tarafdar
I like sleeping and eating
GT: Elliot Tarafdar
Psn: ElliotTarafdar
Instagram: Elliot_Tarafdar
Favourite Genre
Racing or Fighting Games
Favourite Game (currently)
Mass effect 2
Guilty Pleasure.
Cooking videos on youtube (He does not even cook! Ad's Note)
Favourite Animal
The Noble Peregrine Falcon